Technical training

Technical training


As part of the national objectives and directives to develop the labor market by providing specialists and technicians in various fields, Al-Ghad Higher Academy for Training contributes in the organized and planned efforts to provide young people with more opportunities to acquire specialized skills and applied knowledge in order to facilitate their engagement in the labor market. It also provides an opportunity for technicians to start upgrading their existing skillsets, improve themselves and expand their scope of knowledge. There has been a critical need to qualify a vast number of workers in the vocational, industrial and technical fields. There has also been dire need to meet the labor market demands for skilled and competent technical personnel.


The program seeks to bring out the best trainees with recognized levels of excellence as well as to enable them master the skills required in the labor market. This is achieved through providing professional and technical training to trainees to enable them acquire the methods and principles of scientific thinking. The program also aims to bridge the gap between technical education institutions and the labor market through providing training programs that directly serve labor market needs. It also provides adequate and high-quality vocational training to meet the requirements of the labor market. Therefore, it effectively contributes in economic and professional development and the achievement of quantitative and qualitative independence in terms of providing distinctive technical and professional expertise, building outstanding partnerships between training institutions and major productive organizations through active participation of technicians in training programs held at factories and manufacturing facilities in all fields. These actions help in enhancing the training programs’ effectiveness to meet the required standards as well as provides a broad base for technicians to facilitate their responsiveness to the rapid developments in technology and technical sciences.


Vocational training includes training programs in all vocational fields. These programs aim at providing trainees with the opportunity to acquire specialized skills and knowledge. It also includes customized development programs which are designed according to the needs of private and public companies, for specialized technicians. It also includes training programs that are designed and implemented for students during the summer vacation. All the programs have a common objective which is to support talented people in various vocational fields. Moreover, the programs are aimed at achieving cooperation between private sector companies and technical training institutions through the provision of the required technical consultancy.